Couple Feature: Kathryn and Andrew

Andrew and Kathryn will be exchanging “I Dos” on New Year’s Eve, at Crooked Steeple Hall. We’re very excited that they’ve chosen our venue to celebrate their special day with friends and family. We recently chatted with this kickass couple about their love story and they graciously allowed us to share it with you. 

The Meeting

Andrew and Kathryn’s love story began five years ago at a Chili’s restaurant in Maine. Kathryn and her friends began visiting Chili’s regularly after work. Coincidentally - or not - Andrew would always be their server and bartender. 

After a few months, Andrew got to know Kathryn and her friends quite well. One evening, as they were all hanging out, Andrew reached over and said to Kathryn’s friend, “How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in this room?”

Kathryn was livid! “When I heard him say that, I was mad… and I realized it was because I liked him. And he was telling my friend that she was beautiful.” 


As it turns out, Andrew was just teasing. He only had eyes for one lady in this group of beauties and it was Kathryn. He asked Kathryn out for coffee, and as they say, the rest is history. 

The First Date

Kathryn noted that she was fashionably late to their first coffee date at Bagel Central. “Katherine was late so while I waited I bought her a dozen dessert roses,” explained Andrew.  Awwww…

One date led to another and soon Andrew was certain that Kathryn was the woman with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. “It’s not everyone you could be yourself with from the get-go,” he mused.  But there was a problem… Andrew had a job offer - and a daughter - on the West Coast and he was planning to move from Maine to Washington.

Proposal: Take 1

After knowing each other for six months and dating for even less, Andrew asked Kathryn to marry him as they enjoyed a stroll through a park one evening.

“Are you crazy? We don’t even know each other that well!” Kathryn responded bluntly. 

Ouch. Well, that went a little worse than we hoped. 

Thankfully, the young couple continued to see each other. Kathryn liked Andrew a lot but she felt that it was much too early to be discussing marriage. She needed more time. 

The Move

She may have said no to Andrew’s proposal, but guess who followed him to Washington? Did you say, Kathryn? You guessed right! They started their life together with a move clear across the country, to the West Coast.

Proposal: Take 2

Three years later, Andrew popped the question again on New Year’s Eve. This time Kathryn happily accepted the engagement ring that once belonged to Andrew’s grandmother. 

(Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief). 

That’s What I Love About You

In a world viewed through social media filters, authenticity is refreshing. Without missing a beat, Kathryn says she loves Andrew’s honesty. “He’s the most honest human I’ve ever met. He’s 100 percent himself with everyone all of the time.” 

Andrew openly admits that he is not the easiest person to deal with so he loves and values Kathryn’s patience with him. Andrew appreciates the way that Kathryn allows him to be himself and supports him. They are a true partnership in all that they do, from moving across the country to raising their daughter, or opening a disc golf course (yes!), they always stay on the same page.

Wedding Plans

Kathryn and Andrew are looking forward to celebrating their winter nuptials with their friends and family, many of whom will be coming from out of state for their 80’s-themed, New Year’s Eve wedding.

Andrew described The Crooked Steeple as, “Instagrammable. It’s a fun, diverse space for hanging out with our friends, and having a good time.” Both Kathryn and Andrew talk about how the unique and historic Crooked Steeple Hall and 1812 Pierce House are the perfect spots for their non-traditional wedding. They fell in love with Crooked Steeple Hall the first time they visited, during an open house, and have waited patiently as the renovations unfold.

We can’t wait to celebrate with Kathryn & Andrew as they celebrate their marriage and love at Crooked Steeple Hall!

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