How to Reduce Stress on your Wedding Day


Your wedding is supposed to be one of the most memorable days of your life… but lurking under the idyllic venue, perfect decor and delectable food is often a pressure that many brides and grooms do not anticipate. It’s the pressure that sometimes transforms the normally easy-going couple into bridezilla and groomzilla.

Even small weddings can be a huge undertaking. Whether you’re having a big or small wedding, there are a few things you can do to reduce your stress levels and avoid wedding planning panic attacks. These tips will ensure that you and your love can truly enjoy the magic of the day with your family and friends.


Yes, I know you want every little detail to be perfect. And nobody can tie a bow quite like you. But you’ll run yourself ragged if you have to manage all aspects of your wedding by yourself. Whether you hire a wedding coordinator or you recruit family and friends, enlist help to run errands and handle whatever bits you can’t.

Be sure you explain clearly what you need then… resist the urge to micromanage.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

I hate to break it to you but something always goes wrong on the event day. Remember the best wedding you ever attended? I’m willing to bet that something went wrong somewhere. You probably didn’t even notice and it did not take away from your experience.

You’ve done the best to plan and organize but Murphy’s Law will likely crash your wedding too. Have contingencies in place and then enjoy the day, imperfections and all. Even if the neighbor’s toddler starts stripping in the aisle or Uncle John refuses to tuck his shirt in for a photo.

These are annoying but not worth stressing over. Remember the purpose of the day and focus on that. Have a great time!

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Choose a Go-To Person that’s Not You

On your wedding day, you need someone to be your stand-in when people have questions that you simply won’t be able to answer. Your stand-in should have just as much knowledge about the wedding as you do. This is a person you’ll feel comfortable giving your phone to on that day. The person who will run interference between you and guests who have questions while also being able to gather missing family members for photos.

Plan Your Wedding Timeline

Enlist the help of your wedding coordinator or photographer if you don’t have a wedding coordinator to develop a realistic timeline for your wedding. Create a realistic play-by-play of all activities and be sure to include some buffer time for potential issues that may arise.

Trial and Prep Hair, Makeup, Dress, and Shoes

Don’t go blindly into hair and makeup on the day of your wedding. Schedule a trial hair and makeup look in advance so you know exactly what you’ll look like on your wedding day.

When it comes to wardrobe, be sure to break-in your shoes before the wedding so you’re comfortable on the day of. Stray pins from alterations can be hiding, be sure to try on your wedding dress a few days before to scout out any issues.

Penobscot Bay Brewery

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Try to avoid scheduling your rehearsal dinner the night before your wedding. Get it out of the way at least two nights before. You need a good quality night’s rest before your wedding so you could be fresh, glowing, and alert on your special day.

At Crooked Steeple Hall, we not only provide a one-of-a-kind venue for your unforgettable wedding but we’ve also helped lots of couples plan and enjoy their dream weddings. Our wedding packages include a venue manager and travel concierge for those who are staying in the area. We’re happy to help recommend trusted and reliable vendors for all your wedding needs.

We’re currently taking bookings for weddings in 2022 and beyond. Connect with us here so we can start chatting about creating your unique wedding vision.